Hello Guys!
I'm here frenetically about my first year as an Au Pair!
Yesterday, 04/AGO, I went to Sao Paulo consulate of USA and I passed for many steps till have my conversation with their American Consul.
First, my interview was booked at 10:10 am. I arrived at the consul at 10 am. The first guard asked me to show my Passport, I did and he asked me to follow the stripes till arrive in the main desk which I found another guard, that asked me to show my passport again and asked me to follow till the first queue.
I don't know how much time I needed to wait in that queue, because you can not enter at the consul bringing with you electronics devices and a lot of things described in a green paper that you got when you went till CASV unit.
When I finally arrived in the hall, the woman asked me to show my DS-2019 (I had two, I will tell it late), and my SEVIS fee document that ensures my payment. She checked everything and asked me to go till the Fiscal queue. I need to wait for more a time (I don't know how many), and so I went to a room with the metal detector. I couldn't pass trow that... because of my shoes! So my advice to you is : "Please, don't go with a metal shoes. You will ask to take off your shoes..." . I did that, I took of my shoes and delivered it to the guard man. My stuffs into a box were passed through their machine and I could leave those room and followed the red stripes on the floor.
When I arrived other main hall, the post woman asked me to show the same documents: DS-2019, SEVIS fee and Passport. I went to a queue called INTAKE. It was my first time taking the USA visa, so I need to do some steps.
I got Intake queue and the woman asked me to take my fingers digits. I did and I was asked to do till Interview queue. I wait a looooooooot of time in that queue. Till finally my turn came!
The woman in the box asked me to pass my passport and DS-2019, anything else!
We had a conversation about my actual job, my family and why I wanted to go to USA, everything in English...
Well, I was good succeeded, so I got my VISA approved! <3
TIP: When you go to the consul, keep calm while you are talking with the American Consul, another advice is: if your conversation is taking soooo long, the consul may expecting anything isn't going right. You need to pass confidence and reality to them. ;)
I wish you guys good look!